The European Law School (Assas, Humboldt, King’s College, Sorbonne)

With the “European Law School” project (ELS), Humboldt-Universität Berlin, King’s College London and the two Parisian institutions Université Paris 2 (Panthéon-Assas) and Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne) established a new graduate study course for lawyers (Juriste Européen/European Lawyer). Students of law from the three large member states Germany, United Kingdom and France as well as the whole of Europe will be offered an education which takes into account the unification process. As the course is a totally new concept, it is possible to incorporate today’s demands concerning modern legal education.

“European Law School” is the brand as well as the project title. The reputation of the leading institutions for legal education in France (Paris 2 - Panthéon-Assas, and Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne), the classical college in London (King’s College) and the Humboldt-Universität Berlin guarantee a level of excellence in the study course „Juriste Européen/European Lawyer“. Not only is it the first legal study course which offers a combined education in European and national laws, but it will also be the pioneer network for an educational concept that corresponds to the European reality. The network might be joined by one or two partners of excellence from Germany, France and the United Kingdom each as well as from a couple of other European countries.

+ info:

Guillaume Mariani

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